Connections Quiz

Having good, trusting, close relationships with the people in your life is so important for a whole bunch of reasons. Take the quiz and find out more.

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1 of 5

I am close to my family.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true

3 of 5

I have people that I can talk to about the tough stuff.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true


4 of 5

I am there for my friends.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true


5 of 5

My friends treat me well.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true

Please select an answer.


Check your Connections Quiz results

It looks like you might be feeling a little lonely right now and you don’t really feel like you have many people you can turn to or rely on.

It seems like you might be feeling kinda lonely right now. You’ve got people around you, but don’t necessarily feel like you can turn to them or confide in them.

It's great to see you have a few people you feel like you can turn to for support, and they can turn to you for support in return.

It's great to see you feel pretty connected to others and you know who to turn to when you’re in need. You offer support to the people you care about if it’s needed.

Wow, you’ve got some pretty good relationships with the people in your world! You are someone who definitely knows who they can turn to in a tough time. Not only that, but you’re someone who your friends will turn to when they are in need.

Improvement Tip:

  • Think of some activities you enjoy and see if you can join a club/group in your community or at school. You’ll be surrounded by people with a shared interest which makes it much easier to connect.
  • Brainstorm who you could talk to if things get really tough and remember, you’re never truly alone. A school counsellor, a trusted adult or Kids Helpline are great places to turn to for help.
  • Learn more about Social Connections in our Learn Section.

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Improvement Tip:

  • Try opening up to someone that you feel closest to – share a conversation or a positive moment with them (cake?).
  • If there’s a project, hobby or some other new activity you’re thinking of embarking on, see if you can involve someone you feel close to.
  • Keen to connect with more like minded people? Think of some activities you enjoy and see if you can join a new club or group in your community or at school. You’ll be surrounded by people with a shared interest which makes it much easier to connect.
  • Learn more about Social Connections in our Learn Section.

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Improvement Tip:

  • Letting the people close to you know how much you appreciate them is a great way to nurture and strengthen your connection. Tell the people close to you how important they are to you, that you appreciate them and congratulate and praise them when they've done something awesome.
  • Think about someone you haven’t seen or heard from in a while who you'd like to reconnect with. Reach out to them at school or on Facebook.
  • Create activities that allow you to have regular contact with your friends outside of school. Play a sport together or speak on the phone.
  • Learn more about Social Connections in our Learn Section.

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Improvement Tip:

  • Make sure you keep investing in your good connections.
  • Think about someone who you already know a little but would like to get to know better. Look for ways to strengthen your connection.
  • Create activities that allow you to have regular contact with your friends outside of school. Play a sport together or speak on the phone.
  • Learn more about Social Connections in our Learn Section.

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Improvement Tip:

  • Make sure you keep investing in your good connections.
  • Keep reaching out to the people closest to you when they're in need.
  • Encourage others to join activities/groups/clubs that you participate in.
  • Suggest a new and fun family activity/outing for your family.
  • Learn more about Social Connections in our Learn Section.

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